Welcome to the new group and welcome back to our current postgraduate.
Where to start?
Do visit our Postgrad Resources page for some bits and pieces that may assist you in your postgrad journey. Things provided in it are just small parts of what you need for your study. Do explore on your own for better options and solutions.
Registration process
At the same time, please ensure you have completed all the necessary process related to course registration. Make sure your student portal indicated your status as “active”. Always check your official email as provided by the University as that is your main gateway to current notices and information pertaining to your study.
Do not forget to contact your main supervisor and co-supervisor. Re-confirm your study plan and area of focus. Follow their leads. Try to have at least once a week meet especially at this beginning stage. Practice professional code of conduct. Yes, many people within academia working relentlessly at various time of the day and even on weekends. But this does not mean everybody actually works 24 hours per day. Respect weekends and after office hours. At certain stage of your study, communications might becoming very frequent regardless of time and day. But that should only happen once in a while. Try to keep 9am-5pm as the working hours with supervisors (this might be different with other supervisors, but this is what I myself preferred the most nowadays).
Covid-19 and your study
Yes, we are currently in COVID-19 pandemic. Rules and regulations changes frequently in accordance to pandemic condition. Most important, keep alert to all announcement by our National Security Council and Ministry of Health. Your mysejahtera apps will be the best place to get any latest information. Always remember, your postgrad study plan is related and will be affected by any latest development of Covid-19 pandemic conditions. Coming to campus or not also dependable on this. Please discuss with your supervisors and plan your study WITH covid-19 conditions in mind.
Postgrad study may end up as one of the loneliest journey that you might ever get. Networking will be the most essential part that gives livelihood to this journey. Get to know people and engage in as many as possible workshops, seminars and other postgrad activities (formal or non-formal). Make sure to also know and develop relationship with all related supporting staffs of the Faculty and University. They are here to support your study. Remember their names and keep their contact emails and phone numbers too.
Tanjong Malim
Our campuses located in an excellent location for outdoor sports and recreation. Especially with our sports facilities. No matter what is your area of study, do make sure to take advantage of this.
My hope, and other supervisors too, that you and your family will be enjoying you postgrad journey here at Faculty of Sports Science & Coaching UPSI. Plan well, do well.