Nur Ikhwan MohamadOct 20teaching & learningPerbezaan antara pembelajaran teradun dengan pembelajaran hibrid dalam kursus sains sukanKeliru. Pada permulaannya terutama sewaktu pandemik COVID-19, populariti istilah pembelajaran hibrid ( hybrid learning ) memuncak,...
Nur Ikhwan MohamadNov 1, 2021teaching & learningBloom’s Taxonomy and “creation” as the final destination of learningThe revised Bloom’s taxonomy by Anderson and Krathwohl (2001) emphasis on ‘creation’ as the peak level of learning progress. The revised...
Nur Ikhwan MohamadOct 29, 2021teaching & learningReading for knowledgeI started to accumulate more knowledge via reading. My experience during my childhood and teenage years was limited to my surroundings. I...